F L O A T I N G / T A B L E A U S
Oak wood, sculpey Manatee, metal painted leaves, seaweed, Lithographs circa 1800 England, glow in dark paint on Moon, wind up music box melody: "Claire de Lune".
35" wide, 10.5" high, 7" deep (88.9cm x 26.67cm x 17.78cm)
Oak wood, sculpey Manatee, metal painted leaves, seaweed, Lithographs circa 1800 England, glow in dark paint on Moon, wind up music box melody: "Claire de Lune".
35" wide, 10.5" high, 7" deep (88.9cm x 26.67cm x 17.78cm)
Oak wood, sculpey Manatee, metal painted leaves, seaweed, Lithographs circa 1800 England, glow in dark paint on Moon, wind up music box melody: "Claire de Lune".
35" wide, 10.5" high, 7" deep (88.9cm x 26.67cm x 17.78cm)
Distressed Walnut, acrylic, wire, music box movement: "Carousel Waltz", wood matchsticks.
25.5" wide, 8" high, 9.5" deep (64.77cm x 20.32cm x 24.13cm)
Distressed Walnut, acrylic, wire, music box movement: "Carousel Waltz", wood matchsticks.
25.5" wide, 8" high, 9.5" deep (64.77cm x 20.32cm x 24.13cm)
Red Oak, wire, glow in the dark paint, plastic, clock gear, hand crank music box (melody: John Lennon's "Imagine"), Butcher block, rusted nails.
29" wide, 16" high, 9" deep (73.66cm x 40.64cm x 22.86cm)
Red Oak, wire, glow in the dark paint, plastic, clock gear, hand crank music box (melody: John Lennon's "Imagine"), Butcher block, rusted nails.
29" wide, 16" high, 9" deep (73.66cm x 40.64cm x 22.86cm)
California Redwood & Walnut wood, carved bear, paint, wire, wind up music box melody: "Unchained Melody"
28" wide, 12" high, 7" deep (71.12cm x 30.48cm x 17.78cm)
California Redwood & Walnut wood, carved bear, paint, wire, wind up music box melody: "Unchained Melody"
28" wide, 12" high, 7" deep (71.12cm x 30.48cm x 17.78cm)
Wire, Dark Walnut, countdown Film, plastic, hand crank music movement: La Vie en Rose".
19" wide, 9" high, 6.25" deep (48.26cm x 22.86cm x 15.88cm)
Wire, Dark Walnut, countdown Film, plastic, hand crank music movement: La Vie en Rose".
19" wide, 9" high, 6.25" deep (48.26cm x 22.86cm x 15.88cm)
Domestic California Walnut, paint, carved rocking chair, music box movement: "Fiddler on The Roof".
16.5" wide, 6" high, 9.5" deep (41.91cm x 15.24cm x 24.13cm)
Red Oak, fishline, weights, ceramic swan, vines, music box movement: "Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake".
27" wide, 24" high, 10" deep (68.58cm x 60.96cm x 25.4cm)
Western Cedar, glass, metal, rubber, duck carving, seed pod, hand crank music movement.
24.5" wide, 7.5" high, 9" deep (62.23cm x 19.05cm x 22.86cm)
Walnut, old typewriter keys, oil paint, carved hard balsa foam, hand crank music movement: "Beethoven's Fur Elise"
32.5" wide, 7.5" high, 10" deep (82.55cm x 19.05cm x 25.4cm)
Walnut, old typewriter keys, oil paint, carved hard balsa foam, hand crank music movement: "Beethoven's Fur Elise"
32.5" wide, 7.5" high, 10" deep (82.55cm x 19.05cm x 25.4cm)
Kangaroo Island Australian Blowfish, Walnut, carved wood, 2x4, aged paper, moss, hand crank music movement.
15" wide, 11" high, 8.5" deep (38.1cm x 27.94cm x 21.59cm)
Kangaroo Island Australian Blowfish, Walnut, carved wood, 2x4, aged paper, moss, hand crank music movement.
15" wide, 11" high, 8.5" deep (38.1cm x 27.94cm x 21.59cm)
160 year old Douglas Fir, antique nails, printed twigs, nest, carved wooden duck, photo, music box movements from the Film "Love Story", wire, antique photo, paint.
5ft wide, 16" high, 9.5 deep (1.52 meters x 40.64cm x 24.13cm)
160 year old Douglas Fir, antique nails, printed twigs, nest, carved wooden duck, photo, music box movements from Film "Love Story".
5ft wide, 16" high, 9.5 deep (1.52 meters x 40.64cm x 24.13cm)
160 year old Douglas Fir, antique nails, printed twigs, nest, carved wooden duck, photo, music box movements from the Film "Love Story", wire, antique photo, paint.
5ft wide, 16" high, 9.5 deep (1.52 meters x 40.64cm x 24.13cm)
Cedar, sparrow wings, moth, paint, hand crank melody: "Louis Armstrong's What a Wonderful World"
22.5" wide, 11" high, 10.5" deep (57.15cm x 27.94cm x 26.67cm)
Glass stems, music box movement, Poplar wood, wire, rocks, paper, paint, French Poets Book Spines.
14" wide, 18" high. 9.75" deep (35.56cm x 45.72cm x 24.77cm)
Glass stems, music box movement, Poplar wood, wire, rocks, paper, paint
14" wide, 18" high. 9.75" deep (35.56cm x 45.72cm x 24.77cm)
Walnut, fishing floats, cell phones, sculpey, hand crank music movement: "Dr. Zhivago".
28" wide, 12.5" high, 11" deep (71.12cm x 31.75cm x 27.94cm)
Myrtle wood, music box movement, dental x-rays, molds of artist's mouth, sea urchin spines.
18.5" Wide, 7.5" high, 7.5" deep (46.99cm x 19.05cm x 19.05cm)
Myrtle wood, music box movement, dental x-rays, molds of artist's mouth, sea urchin spines.
18.5" Wide, 7.5" high, 7.5" deep (46.99cm x 19.05cm x 19.05cm)
FLOATING TABLEAUS (wall mountable sculptures with music track)